June 2018 June 22 – 28, 2018: »The Initiation into the Mysteries of the Sacred Feminine through Creativity of the Ritual Theater« (for women and men)

7-day transformative and creative retreat in the magical nature of Istria, Slovenia (for women and men)

»»The Initiation into the Mysteries of the Sacred Feminine through Creativity of the Ritual Theater««

June 22nd to June 28th, 2018
Location: Slovenia, in a remote valley of genuine nature in Istria

Facilitated by Dr. Romana Ercegović

in cocreation with Andreja Cepuš


We are happy to invite you to our 7-day retreat that merges spirituality with creativity. Its purpose is to facilitate the reconnection with the divine feminine wisdom within through a transformative initiation process into our wholeness – holiness. Through the interweaving of inner and outer landscapes we discover new dimensions of ourselves.

The experience is based on two main principles: Firstly, the principle of feeling within and connecting with our own sacred feminine (that exists in all humans regardless of gender). The elements of beauty, magic, sensuality and playfulness will lead us to the temple of our feminine mastery.  Secondly, the principle of embodying these inner qualities through creative expression.

The retreat is set in the magical wilderness of Slovenia, providing us with a nurturing space disconnected from the noise and gravity of everyday life. Connecting to nature is an important part of this experience, as it helps us to connect with our own nature as well as open up to our senses – both the physical and the subtle / multidimensional ones.

Although the focus is on the sacred feminine, this experience will help participants to balance the relationship between their inner feminine and masculine selves. Feminine energy is creative, birthing, it’s the vision and the dream, the beauty and magic … while masculine is the inner strength, focus, stability, which supports our vision to become manifested.

11902469_872412339475274_447929952084905521_nOur approach to creativity:

Creativity, as we understand it, is the experience of connecting with our inherent creative flow, so that we become aware of our unique qualities and gifts that are waiting to be shared with the world and also expressed in everyday life.

We will be using tools such as inner journeys, ritual, silence, imagination, channelling and connection to nature. These tools create space for feeling the subtle, deeper layers of our being. We will then use creative tools such as sacred theater, storytelling, dance/movement and the voice to allow the authentic, natural expression and embodiment of the sacred feminine in whatever form it wants to be expressed through us.

This retreat is inspired by the Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece (devoted to the earth goddess Demetra), where theater was used as a tool for the inner experience of divinity and the sacredness of Life.Mojca

In our retreat, we will create a safe, relaxed space where each participant feels free to explore his/her inner archetypal world. Much of the process is based on connecting with other participants in an authentic way and exploring our own creativity in the moment. It’s about inviting more of ourselves to be present; about discovering forgotten, hidden and suppressed parts of ourselves as they rise to the surface to be integrated.

You will discover the stories that are waiting to be told through you, become aware of any feelings that want to be heard and expressed. You will then be guided to find your own way to express the emotion/archetype/experience/story (through story-telling, voice, movement, poetry, music, creation of ceremony…). For example, you might learn how to give space to vulnerability, or how to express yourself with more authenticity. Our focus will be on allowing of expanding ourselves freely and releasing old limitations and inhibitions.


For whom the workshop is intended:

This profoundly transformative retreat is ideal for those conscious women and men who have a sincere willingness to dive deeper within their Soul, who have a desire to experience creativity and imagination, and long to spend time in the silent magic of the natural world, out of the comfort zone. This can also be an opportunity for those, who don’t feel comfortable in creatively expressing themselves in front of others (whether speaking, singing, or dancing) to surprise themselves, and to discover how naturally we can let go of our limitations with a some gentle guidance; how natural it can happen when we feel fully accepted, supported and respected by ourselves and others. This experience is also a unique opportunity for blending your enlightenment journey with creative expression.


Activities include:

–  Inner journeys: using the imagination; exercises of conscious breathing; sensing of subtle energies
–  Creative experiences through ceremonies, acting, storytelling, dance/movement and the voice
– Interactive experiences
– Exercises of channeling our own Soul-voice
– Connecting to the nature and sensing its many layers
– Gentle body exercises for grounding, sensually connecting with the body and enjoying
– Listening to the silence, moments of solitude
– Observing the sunrise, lying in the grass and watching the stars…
–Experiencing and enjoying freedom
(As additional activity there will also be an option to help with practical work such as preparation of food, making the evening fire, etc.)


TESTIMONIALS (from participants of the retreat in 2016 and 2017)


» This week by the river Dragonja was one of the most beautiful weeks in my life and for sure the most magical and transformative one… With facilitator’s intuitive guidance and holding the space all the happenings somehow magically fell together into the bigger whole and I’ve returned home different than I came there. A huge inner SFNVzUQcStJCT29U6mWHtdr-V426b5rS6xVGyzmnta2cCp23ydKhscKO-jUjlcImftY-p7O4ylJUdefBWcD3xz_P-ploq6o6B1UOpQ7IbQt3Mdwqi3RhaHtRSZ60sD8P3AnpghlykeKTyAq5zcqBq5BM2dGQysfE3XKHp4CtOyDbubBFIcbr_Yi7SItowcMJP_JsOeDwI58eeqO7T7rbreakthrough happened for me: Insights that I’ve been familiar with in my life, have now become alive in my life. I’ve been able to really experience them for real, taste them, see them, and embody them. Each of participants was unique but we managed to live through the experience together, united in harmony. Romana’s subtle leading, openness and acceptance provided freedom and safety to each one of us. From all the differences there came the unique matrix of interrelated balance. We gifted each other with our insights, acceptance and support. I’ve realized that I’ve seen the world through black-white glasses and only now was able to put them down and see all the colours, nuances, gems and sparkling lights. It was a kind of awakening from a half-asleep state into the fullness of life. Coming back into my everyday life, I’ve realized that I can live this magic each and every moment and right here and right now. The days by Dragonja river enriched my life as the most profound and beautiful moment in time and gave me the real-life experience I could not have received through any book, lecture or talk about personal growth.
~ Lea Prezelj

“For me this retreat is about creating space for the voice of our authentic feminine self, and about allowing this essence to flow through us freely; in other words, about embodying the feminine facet of our divinity.”
Kim Seppälä

20170626_165406(1)“When I decided to attend the workshop, I didn’t really imagine what actually we would be doing there. But what has unfolded far exceeded my expectations. I have to say, it touched the depth of my soul and it triggered big shifts and awakening within me. Pure perfection that is possible only when a co-creation with the higher source, with the Universe itself, is taking place. I am grateful for such intuitive facilitation and guidance. I could feel the whole nature and universe supporting Romana’s beautiful and pure intention which she used for creating this workshop. The soul-support that I received from my fellow sister-participants was so authentic, far removed from the masks of ‘who we are on outside’. The whole process was thus much lighter and faster. Of course, each of us needs to be willing to go through our own process and ready to step out of our own boxes, to allow and let go, and be fully present in the moment. In that way the creative part of us reveals itself.”
~ Mojca Krivec

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Practical Information:

Accommodation will be sleeping in tents under the stars.
The location is 40-min. walking distance to the nearest village, and is without electricity, wi-fi, or running water; washing takes place in the pools of the stream.
360 EUR (for participants from Slovenia, Eastern Europe…)

490 EUR (for participants from Western Europe)

Additional cost for all: 110 EUR for 6 full days of delicious vegetarian meals.

Camping is free.

This retreat is limited to small group, max. 7 participants, so all will have an opportunity of individual approach and expression.


A tent, flashlight, sleeping bag (also for colder nights), joga mat (for sleeping and for excersises), notebook, pencil, a dress, in which you feel very good, comfortable and beautiful (can be very simple). Weather can be very hot, but nights are cold, so please have light clothes and also some warm ones.



Contact for applications and if you have any questions about the workshop: [email protected]


Please note that this experience is for those who take full responsibility of themselves, their lives and spending time in the wild nature. 





This is how our village will look like:




Morning reveille with a song and the drum


Foto: Boris B. Voglar

Dr. Romana Ercegović has devoted her artistic, scientific and spiritual work to re-awakening, understanding and re-dignifying the wisdom and art of the Divine Feminine, as a principle of balance. As a playwright and director of her theater performances, she re-evaluates the role of ancient feminine myths and as a performer she embodies different qualities and archetypes from various cultures (such as Mary Magdalene, White Buffalo
Woman, Persephone, Demetra, Hecate…). She has traveled to many temples around the world and is deeply connected to the mysteries of the sacred feminine. Both in her research and workshops she uses an intuitive and multidimensional approach. Her book “The Sacred Ritual Theater: from Matriarchal Mysteries of Europe to awakening of Sacredness in the Theater of Our Time” was published this year in Slovenian Theater Institute (the book is in Slovene language). In this retreat she will be facilitating the participants through the initiatory process of opening, releasing the veils of forgetfulness and entering the inner sacred chamber, the natural state of our subtle divine essence. More about Romana


andreja_francijaAndreja Cepuš is a founder of Accelerator of Conscious Creation ENVIR – a field for connecting different people, perspectives and worlds for the purpose of awakening new creativity in the powerful space of togetherness. She carries within the wisdom of Divine Feminine from many lifetimes and is well recognized for her work in the field of empowering women. She hosts women circles and facilitates workshops related to expressing our authentic feminine nature. As a longtime contemporary dancer she understands the importance of art as divine feminine principle. In this retreat she will facilitate experiences to help us reawaken our sensual nature through movement and connection with nature. We will open the senses through our bodies to allow our sensual femininity to flow freely so that we can experience, embody and express it. More about Andreja



17634727_10154686186594121_4034694747274498949_nMateja Ribarič is a historian, curator at Slovenian School Museum, a world traveler in the lands of ancient culture’s wisdom and as well traveler of the inner landscapes. She has been co-creating and supporting the creations of Soul of the Earth Ritual Theater for many years. In this workshop she will be supporting the program and taking care of the divine preparation of the food.





Darja HrovatičDarja Hrovatič is an explorer of freedom and creativity of life. She is a certificate teacher of Cultural Bodywork, a combination of three different cultures: Hawaiian, Maori and Aboriginal. It is based on the traditional Hawaiian healing method in which the therapist moves all the time around the table with the steps and movements like dancing. In this workshop Darja will be preparing the space, taking care of water, helping with meals and take care of other things that will help us all to feel comfortable.

 More about Darja




 “For me theater is a tool for becoming conscious of sacredness of ourselves, the nature and life itself.”
Romana Ercegović
